We're excited to be working alongside St Peter's Bentley to host 'LIGHT IT UP BENTLEY' - a free family fun day on Thursday 31st October!

  Check out the details below...

Craft Morning with refreshments

10am-12pm at St Peter's Church (Bentley, DN5 0AA)

For all ages

Open Mic with Festival Crafts and Unite Choir debute

1pm- 2pm at St Peter's Church (Bentley, DN5 0AA)

For all ages

Light it up Party

4:30pm- 5:30pm at Bentley Baptist Church (Bentley, DN5 0EW)

8+ year old drop off event

TICKET ONLY - BOOK HERE (limited places!!)


Bentley Baptist Church, Askern Road, Bentley, Doncaster DN5 0EW
Tel: 01302 876401    Email: admin@bbcdoncaster.co.uk

Bentley Baptist Church. CIO Registered in England and Wales. No1190319