Kids & Youth
We are a church that strives towards a multigenerational culture, welcoming and seeking to help those of all ages live a full and satisfying life.
Every Sunday we have content accessible for 0-17's in our Sunday gatherings, led by a team of enthusiastic, talented and DBS checked volunteers. However, if you/your children would prefer not to access these groups, that's okay with us.
When you drop your kids off at their group we will ask for a few medical and contact details, even if you're just visiting, so that we can keep your child safe and contact you quickly if necessary.
Below are the different groups we run for children and youth on a Sunday morning:
Creche – ages 0-3
We have a staffed, dedicated creche space with loads of toys for 0-3's.
CBBC (Children at Bentley Baptist Church) – groups for ages 3-6 and 7-10
(school years from Nursery to year 5)
Games, crafts and Bible stories. Although some parts of the programme are done together, CBBC splits into two smaller age groups for most activities to ensure different ages get the kind of input they need.
Youth – ages 10-17
(school years 6 - 13)
Games, discussion and food. Meeting in our youth room, this group focusses on connecting with one another and God to discover how to live life in all its fullness.We also have 'Almighty Fusion' our Sunday afternoon youth group - find out more here...
We are committed to ensuring safeguarding is a high priority, you can read Bentley Baptist Church's full safeguarding statement here.