
The church's vision is to 'Make disciples who make disciples'. This is what Jesus told His followers to do in the Bible because being a Disciple means copying a teacher who sets a good example of how to live. For Christians, Jesus Christ is that example and we are His disciples.

This is the most important part of who we are and why we exist. Everything we do has to be part of fulfilling this purpose. Our strategy for doing this is defined by two shapes:

The discipleship Journey shows how we love to journey with people towards a relationship with God, Encountering new people, Connecting with one another, Exploring faith and community and hopefully Committing to follow God. Then, we all continue to grow and serve Him together.

The 'Hub and Outposts' shows the shape of our church and different ways we gather.

The 'Hub' is the church membership, gathered on Sundays or church meetings.

The 'Outposts' are ways we connect with one another on different stage of the Discipleship journey AND 'Micro-churches' we start at other times and places.

The Hub and Outposts all have the same values and mission and it's all part of one extended church community.

Our Church's 'Core Values' describe the way we behave. These are:

• Love People - Building Healthy Relationships together
• Love God - Seek the Presence of God together
• Love Life - Experiencing the Transformed Lives that Jesus has for us to live

What is a Baptist Church?

• We baptize (submerge in water) people who make a decision to follow Jesus when they are at an age to decide for themselves. Find out more about Baptism HERE.

• We are part of a family of Baptist churches (the Baptist Union of Great Britain), but this is a support structure. The responsibility for governance, resources and decision-making lies with our own church.

• We believe it is the role of every person in our church family to listen to God's guidance and make decisions together, based on what He says. Our leaders, including church Ministers, are there to facilitate and guide this process of obeying and serving God.


Bentley Baptist Church, Askern Road, Bentley, Doncaster DN5 0EW
Tel: 01302 876401    Email:

Bentley Baptist Church. CIO Registered in England and Wales. No1190319