Life Groups

Our Life groups meet regularly to explore the Bible, pray together and encourage one another on our journey through life. We look at a range of topics and most Life Groups are always open to new members.

If you aren't in a life Group, please consider joining one - Have a chat with Joel, Lorraine or one of our Life Group leaders if you're interested in joining a group.

Our Life Groups

                 Day Venue Area Contact Person Photo
                 Tuesday (10.30am) Renew 127 Martin and Linda Chadwick
                 Tuesday (8pm) Scawthorpe/Bessacarr Gill Beams
                 Tuesday (8pm) Hyde Park Ruth Bellerby
                 Wednesday (10am) Bentley Baptist Church Graham Simpson
                 Wednesday (1.30pm) Bentley/Scawthorpe Serena Stevenson
                 Wednesday (7.30pm) Bentley Baptist Church Andrew Thompsett & Alison Whiteley
                 Wednesday (8pm)

(2nd & 4th)


Joel Ward

                 Thursday (11am) Bentley Baptist Church Jenny Stephenson

Let's do life together!


Bentley Baptist Church, Askern Road, Bentley, Doncaster DN5 0EW
Tel: 01302 876401    Email:

Bentley Baptist Church. CIO Registered in England and Wales. No1190319